Privacy policy

A critical issue in the functioning of the website is the protection of the privacy of users visiting our website. The administrator does not subject contractors’ data to automated decision-making, including profiling, which could have legal consequences for them or significantly affect them.

All safety aspects are presented below.

1. This policy applies to the website operating at

2. The website operator and personal data administrator is: MTL S.C. based at 10 B Starorudzka Street, Łódź.

3. The operator’s e-mail address is:

4. The Operator is the administrator of your personal data in relation to the data provided on the website.

5. The website performs the functions of obtaining information about users and their behavior in the following way:

o Through data entered on forms that are input into the operator’s systems.

o By saving cookies on end devices.

The data subject has the right to access personal data and, in justified cases, rectify and supplement them. In addition to the information contained in cookies, only companies servicing software used to service accounts or entities authorized under other regulations (e.g. tax departments) may have access to your data.

If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily by the Personal Data Administrator (PDA), data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

Additional information about cookies

In the case of people using websites, we process users’ data for the purpose of statistical analysis of user behavior within the portal.

Cookies are text files sent from the servers of visited websites and stored by web browsers on personal computers. Their main task is to facilitate the use of websites: previous actions are remembered, clicking on a given information block, filling out fields (hints) in contact forms or comment fields in news, screen resolution, as well as adjusting the appropriate Adobe Flash plug-in. The cookies used on our websites are safe and do not have a harmful effect on the end device. Cookies only store data that a given website or application saves and to which they have access.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data related to cookies is on Art. 6 para. 1 letter A Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as GDPR).

This consent may be expressed by using the appropriate technical settings of the software enabling Internet access.

By using the MTL S.C. websites, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this policy. You can withdraw your consent at any time by changing the settings in your browser, but you must remember that the processing we carried out before its withdrawal, remains lawful.

The website uses the following cookies:



Managing cookies

Cookies used on the MTL S.C. websites. can be managed through your web browser settings.

If you do not want to receive cookies, you can change your browser settings. We must state that disabling cookies necessary for authentication processes, security, and maintaining user preferences may make it difficult, and in extreme cases, impossible to use the website.

If you use our website, it means that you do so only on the terms permitted by your browser settings. Therefore, if you have allowed your browser to serve cookies, our website will also interpret this as your consent to serve our cookies.

Withdrawal of consent is done by managing cookies.

To manage cookie settings, select the web browser you are using from the list below and follow the instructions:

about Edge

about Internet Explorer

about Chrome

about Safari

about Firefox

about Opera

Mobile devices:

about Android

about Safari (iOS)

about Windows Phone

The changes introduced will not affect cookies already stored on your computer. These files can also be deleted through your browser settings. Internet users can freely manage the cookies used. However, please remember that blocking cookies may result in limited access or complete lack of access to services on websites.

The website may contain links and plug-ins to other websites. When browsing our website, your browser does ask for content to be displayed from external websites. At the same time, the browser “introduces itself” to this website, exchanging, among other things, information contained in cookies. Third-party companies may also install cookies on users’ browsers through such interaction. These companies may use the data obtained in this way in accordance with their privacy policies, including combining them with data they have from other sources (e.g. from accounts on social networking sites or information provided by other websites). Such information may also be used, for example, to select advertising content by these portals.

The companies with which we cooperate in the processing of information related to the cookies in question are Google Ireland and Meta Ireland.

Due to their specificity related to achieving the purpose of data processing, cookies may be stored for an indefinite period of time – because the PDA does not know whether and when the Internet user will want to use the website while using the settings and preferences related to cookies. However, the data will not be processed longer than the website user allows it through browser settings.

The data subject has the right to access personal data, however, in situations where the processing does not require the identification of the data subject, MTL S.C. does not retain, obtain or process additional information to identify a person solely for the purpose of exercising his or her rights. In such a case, the provisions of Art. 15 – 20 GDPR do not apply.

The use of websites administered by MTL S.C., i.e. the use of cookies, is completely voluntary.

More information about how cookies work and what they are used for can be found on the website of the Association of Internet Industry Employers IAB Polska:

Additional information on maintaining the Newsletter

Personal data related to running the newsletter by the administrator are processed in order to support sales structures and establish positive relationships with current and potential customers of MTL S.C. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 letter and GDPR. In order to consent to receiving commercial information from us included in the newsletter, simply provide your address in the appropriate form on the website.

Data subjects have the right to request from MTL S.C. deleting, transferring or limiting processing and objecting to processing.

Since achieving the purpose of personal data processing is not a process that can be completed within a specific period, data from this file are processed until the data subject withdraws consent or raises an objection.

Additional information on making a reservation

Data from the booking form are processed for the purpose of implementing the contract, carrying out legal settlements, as well as for the purpose of pursuance or defence against claims. The legal basis for processing is therefore Art. 6 para. 1 letter B, C and F GDPR.

The data administrator has a legitimate interest in both asserting their rights and defending against unfair claims brought against the Company. Activities related to the pursuit and defence of claims are basic factors supporting running a business, so such activities are covered by Article 16 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.

The data will be stored for five years from the end of the respective calendar year.

Data subjects have the right to request from the administrator to limit the processing and transfer of data in justified cases.

The need to collect customers’ personal data is not required by law, but it will not be possible to provide the service without providing it.

Additional information about answering questions sent using the forms on the website

Personal data related to correspondence by the administrator, including answering questions regarding the organization of events from the contact form, are processed to support sales structures. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 letter and GDPR. To consent to receiving a response from us (which may contain commercial information), simply provide your address in the appropriate form on the website along with the question asked.

Data subjects have the right to request from MTL S.C. transfer, delete them or limit processing and object to processing. Your data will be processed until you respond, either withdrawing  your consent or resolving the matter in question, in another way.

Additional information regarding cooperation with contractors

Contractors’ data are processed for the purpose of implementing the contract, carrying out legal settlements, and also for the purpose of pursuing or defending against claims. The legal basis for processing is according to Art. 6 para. 1 letter B, C and F GDPR.

The data administrator has a legitimate interest in both asserting their rights and defending themselves against unfair claims brought against the Company. Activities related to the pursuit and defence of claims are basic factors supporting running a business, so such activities are covered by Article 16 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Pursuant to the provisions of Art. 86 § 1 of the Tax Ordinance, taxpayers keep tax books and related documents until the expiry of the limitation period for tax liabilities. However, the tax liability expires after five years, starting from the end of the calendar year in which the tax payment deadline expired (see Article 70 § 1 of the Tax Ordinance). This means that taxpayers are obliged to keep tax books and related documents and records (for example for VAT purposes) for five years, starting from the end of the calendar year in which the tax payment deadline expired. The storage period may be extended if the limitation period for the tax liability does not begin, as long as it is suspended or interrupted (see Articles 68-71 of the Tax Ordinance).

Data subjects have the right to request MTL S.C. to limit the processing and transfer of data in justified cases.

The need to collect personal data of contractors in order to conduct settlements is required by Article 106 of the VAT Act and the Regulation of the Minister of Finance, dated December 3, 2013, on issuing invoices, extended by other information that is helpful in handling invoices, e.g. contact details and information regarding payment methods.

Additional information for job candidates

Personal data of employee candidates are processed in order to conduct recruitment campaigns correctly and lawfully, and to take action before concluding a contract between MTL S.C. and a candidate for employment. Storing applications for further recruitment or processing data beyond the scope indicated in the Regulation of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy of December 10, 2018, on employee documentation (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) is based on your consent, which you expressed by providing them to our Company.

You can withdraw this consent at any time, which is tantamount to requesting the deletion of data, but the processing that took place before its withdrawal will remain lawful.

The data will be processed until the recruitment is completed unless the parties mutually agree upon a different date.

Candidates have the right to request the administrator to delete personal data and, in justified cases, to request restriction of their processing.

The justification for collecting data of employee candidates stems from the Regulation.

Additional information regarding video surveillance

With regard to registration of events regarding threats to persons and property, detection and registration of offenses and crimes, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is according to Art. 6 para. 1 letter F GDPR.

The data controller has a legitimate interest in ensuring the physical security of people on their premises, as well as in monitoring employees for security and management purposes. These interests are consistent with the interests of the wider community, i.e. people staying in the area belonging to the PDC and are covered by the European Charter of Fundamental Rights (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Charter’) and the European Convention on Human Rights (‘ECHR’), e.g. the right to freedom and security (Article 6 of the Charter and Article 5 of the ECHR), as well as the right to property (Article 17 of the Charter and Article 1 of Protocol No. to the ECHR).

Monitoring data may be disclosed to other entities (e.g. the Police) pursuant to separate legal provisions. Monitoring data is stored for up to 30 days from the date of registration. Due to the specificity of the process itself, the rights of data subjects will be exercised as far as possible and in such a way as to not violate the rights or freedoms of other persons. Therefore, a situation may arise in which certain requests cannot be fulfilled (e.g. the right to rectify data).

Copyright Information

The copyright to the content of the website and all publications and photos presented on its website belongs to MTL S.C. unless marked otherwise.

Copying for commercial or non-private purposes and distributing, by any method currently known, part or all of the website and the publications and photos presented on its pages, is prohibited unless otherwise agreed with MTL S.C.

Using copyrighted materials without our consent or contrary to the above reservations will be regarded as a violation of copyright, even if it does not involve accruing any material benefits.